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The Successful Homeschool Family Handbook

Raymond & Dorothy Moore Nelson Books

# 785281754
The Successful Homeschool Family Handbook
Raymond & Dorothy Moore - Nelson Books

A Creative and Stress-Free Approach to Homeschooling. This is the first book I read when looking into homeschooling. I had no intentions of actually homeschooling, but by the time I had finished reading what Dr. Moore had to say, I was thinking, "How could I NOT do it?" This book has a balanced approach that is reassuring to which our children have responded to beautifully. It was written as very much against early formal schooling and pressuring children before they are ready, but it also does not swing to the other extreme by being too permissive and not teaching anything at all. In fact, being a person who tended to be far too permissive, I was convinced to work harder at being self disciplined for my children's sake. Laying down good habits is a large part of what Dr. Moore teaches. Having an orderly home is the first step to successful homeschooling, and once that is in place, teaching follows naturally. He shows how learning is part of life, and how to teach especially small children by our warm response to their questions. Covering everything from teaching, reading,and preparing unit studies, to healthy eating, we get a good idea of how learning is a lifestyle and not something we just add to our regular day. The Moores have truly been a blessing to our family.


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