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How to Deal with SPAM and general Internet Security for Homeschoolers

Spam otherwise know as unsolicited email becoming increasing intrusive however it is fairly easy to deal with, if you understand the issues behind unsolicited email. This article will give you a quick introduction to the problem of spam and offers a solution, at the very least it will help you understand the issues you face as a homeschooler and point you in the direction of finding a suitable solution yourself.

How to deal with spam

Use your gMail account, gmails is a free email service provided by Google which does and excellent job of dealing with spam (unsolicited email) and nasty attachments. The idea behind Gmail is the you will never need to delete an email from your inbox, it simply get archived and you can perform "Google type searches" to retrieve any archived mail. Currently Gmail offers 2.6 Gigabytes of free storage space. If you will like a free Gmail account email me and I will send you a Gmail invitation.

How to deal with Internet Security

If your kids are any thing like my eldest, they will be spending, (perhaps wasting) great chunks fo time online.

Firstly Secure your computer with both a firewall and anti-virus software please see my list of essential software

Protect your Privacy online for more information about online privacy please read this short article which offers a few solutions. protect-your-privacy-online.html



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