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Ka-Ching Business Parenting Course

What is Ka-Ching! Business Parenting?

Ka-Ching! Business Parenting is a structured yet flexible course that a parent and a child work on together and which aims at improving the child’s future success in the field of business.

It involves a series of practical business projects with clear step-by-step guides that the parent and child work through together  – as partners! Through this positive interaction, the course produces a bond of love, respect and understanding between the two participants – something often lacking in modern day family relationships.

The programme compliments the curriculum and attempts to engender a positive attitude towards education and life-long learning.

Who developed ‘Ka-Ching! Business Parenting?

Ka-Ching! Business Parenting is the brainchild of a father and son team – and is the direct result of working through projects and interacting together over the last twenty years….living proof that the concept has merit.

Greg Bunyard, who originated the scheme, studied for his BCom at Rhodes University, Grahamstown where he majored in Business Administration and Industrial Psychology and thereafter obtained an MBA from the Edinburgh Business School in Scotland. He has worked in Johannesburg, London and in the USA and has travelled the world. He is very much an entrepreneur himself - currently consulting in the SMME sector.

His step-dad Midge Hilton-Green, presently headmaster of Bishops Preparatory School in Cape Town, South Africa was reputedly the first person to introduce entrepreneurship and financial awareness courses into a formal school curriculum in 1988, when Headmaster of Kingswood Junior School in Grahamstown. He is an acknowledged international expert in this area and has received extensive newspaper coverage over the years. He has appeared on television, been interviewed on radio and is quoted in a number of books and magazines. He has assisted many schools with the development of their own entrepreneurship courses; is a founder member of the 'Entrepreneurship Education Initiative' and was presented with a plaque at the 19th Annual Entrepreneurship Education conference in Salt Lake City in 2001, in acknowledgement of his contributions in this pioneering field.

Greg set up the Business Parenting Institute, which consists of an independent group of professionals who strive to achieve common goals in the field of business education and life-skills training, within the family unit. Jason Bantjes is one of these professionals and is currently the School Counsellor at Bishops College in Cape Town; the Chief Examiner for Economics with the Independent Examinations Board; and a part-time lecturer in Cognitive Psychology in the Department of Psychology at UNISA's Western Cape Learning Centre.

Business Parenting Institute Mission statement

“The Business Parenting Institute is an independent organisation that strives to produce innovative material and resources, provide ongoing support and add value to a child’s' education and development with the direct partnership, co-operation and involvement of their parents and caregivers.“

Ka-Ching! Business Parenting Philosophy

  • Parents can play a fundamentally important role in their children’s education
  • Parents need to take an active part in equipping their children with the necessary confidence, skills and abilities to achieve greater success, now and in the future.
  • While many education systems are attempting to address these issues through subjects in Outcomes Based Education and other education systems, there is nothing that provides more value than a parent’s involvement and interest in their children’s education.

The Business Parenting Institute is an independent organisation that provides parents with the necessary resources to achieve:

  • Improved family relationships
  • More confident children
  • Children with the necessary skills for a more successful life after school
  • Greater practical understanding of topics discussed

What is covered in the course and who should enrol?

Our experience has shown that young children derive the maximum benefit from this dynamic course and that they should start doing the course from the age of 6 and continues into their teens:

  • Children will be introduced to entrepreneurship and the nature of business in a simple and enjoyable manner
  • Children will be taught financial awareness skills which, contrary to opinion, need to be nurtured at a young age to be most effective
  • Children will be taught the critically important soft-skills that they can use at any stage in their future development to enhance learning processes – at school or thereafter
  • Why is the Ka-Ching! Business Parenting course so adaptable and easy to follow?
  • the parent does not have to have any knowledge of business to be of help to the child
  • the parent and child can chose to start in a number of different sections
  • the project can be short, medium or long term
  • the parent and child can fast track certain stages which they find easy to deal with

What will your child learn?

How to earn money

How to plan a budget

How to manage one’s daily responsibilities

How to control one’s spending

How to run a formal meeting

How to identify a business opportunity

How to evaluate a business opportunity

How to prepare a business plan

How to present a business plan

How to work with others

How to run a business

How to manage income, expenses and profit

How to ‘invest wisely’ with the goal of creating ones own financial wealth and independence

The course will also highlight:

  • the importance of managing ones money
  • the importance of saving and investment
  • the importance of giving
  • the value of family support and assistance
  • the importance of keeping accurate records
  • the importance of planning


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