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These are the Homeschool Archives, fresh content is available at

Information Technology for Homeschoolers

Homeschool IT Information

Bookmark Sharing - An article about how to easily maintain a list of bookmarks that can also be shared with other people.

Education Fun and Games - A collection of Fun and Games

Education in an Electronic Age - "As parents, we understand the risks that come with our children's growing independence and we know how to protect and advise them. I remember when my young daughter wanted to ride her bike around the block on her own. I was anxious but I let her go. I understood the risks and where the boundaries should be set."

Educational Networks and Software Management - I look after the network and infrastructure of a local school. This is collection of products, articles and information I find useful.

Essential Software - Software I often install immediately

How to manage and deal with Spam - a few suggestions to consider in your approach to dealing with unsolicited email other wise known as spam.

Information Technology as a subject for homeschoolers - a brief look at IT as as school subject.

Learn to Touch Type - Resources for learning to touch type

Linux in the Home and Office - Linux solutions for homeschoolers

Protect you privacy online - Info about keeping your identity private while online. - avoiding pop ups and other intrusions.

Search Engine Help and Techniques - Info about using search engines for research

Cool Software Programs - A collection of reviews about cool software programes suitable for homeschoolers

Linux Information- "Linux for everyone!" - General Linux Links

Content Filtering for Schools and Educational Networks - How to setup and manage Squid, and other products to protect and filter.

LTSP - (Linux Terminal Server Project) in the School and LAB - I work as a IT Consultant at a Private school, this article details some of what I have learned settin up anr runing LSTP and Edubuntu

Programming for Children - Software and Ideas to teach / introduce children to programming.

Technology Shop News
Resource Contribute Rhymes
Software Links Health


Technology Shop News
Resource Contribute Rhymes
Software Links Health


More than one million children are Homeschooling in the United States and approximately 150,000 children are homeschooled in the United Kingdom, (about 50,000 families homeschool in England)

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